US wind market drives project cargo growth in Duluth

PRESS RELEASE – A rise in project cargo pushed the total cargo volume in the Port of Duluth to 33.5 million tonnes in 2019. Thanks to a growing US wind industry, the handling of project cargo, breakbulk and heavy-lift pieces increased tenfold. 

Wind energy cargo arrivals paced the surge, with terminal operator Duluth Cargo Connect welcoming a single-season record 306,000 freight tonnes of wind energy cargo to the Clure Public Marine Terminal in 2019.

Other bulk cargo, a category dominated by inbound salt in 2019, also posted a substantial season-over-season increase, climbing 35 per cent.

“This has been a banner year for wind energy cargo, the Clure Public Marine Terminal and Duluth Cargo Connect”, said Deb DeLuca, executive director of the Duluth Seaway Port Authority. The port authority has invested more than USD 25 million in the terminal over the past four years aimed at supporting the handling of oversized wind cargoes.

“Despite some headwinds, it was a solid tonnage season for the Port of Duluth-Superior, and record-breaking for wind energy cargo,” said Deb DeLuca, executive director of the Duluth Seaway Port Authority. “Looking ahead, we have reason for optimism in 2020, with the prospect of greater international trade certainty and more project cargo scheduled to arrive.”

The Duluth Seaway Port Authority also secured USD 10.5 million in financing to build a new 43,000 square feet warehouse and rehabilitate the dock wall. As part of the rehabilitation, 7 acres of laydown space for inbound and outbound heavy-lift cargo will also be fortified.


Project Cargo Summit 2024 registrations open

The time has come, we have opened registrations for this year’s edition of the Project Cargo Summit. As it was previously unveiled, the Port of Bilbao will be our host on September 17 and 18. There have been some changes since the announcement. 

Project Cargo Summit goes to Bilbao

Following the successful outing in Bremen in 2023, ProMedia and its Project Cargo Summit team have turned their sights to a new adventure and have partnered with the Port of Bilbao. So for the 2024 edition of the Project Cargo Summit, project cargo, breakbulk and heavy lift industry specialists will gather in Bilbao for two… Read more ›

Project Cargo Summit 2024 programme takes shape

Excitement is building for the Project Cargo Summit 2024 in Bilbao, Spain! The dates are locked in (September 17th and 18th), the speaker list is filling up fast, and preparations are underway to make the “Project Cargo Summit 2024: Mega Cargo, Mega Solutions” an unforgettable event.