DAY 1 – 11th of September
Shipping a jumbojet – TOM RUTGRINK & MARTIN DE BOER
Are you ready for bigger turbines?
Dennis Jul Pedersen, CEO at Port of Esbjerg
Mikael Andersson, Product Manager at Kalmar
Vedran Muratbegovic, Senior Manager of Global Breakbulk Business Development at Wallenius Wilhelmsen
Pieter Boer, Business Development Manager at Van der Vlist
How to minimise risks in shipping?- ANNET KOSTER
Day 2 – 12th of September
Unnecessary costs for exceptional transports because of the lack of European cooperation – TON KLIJN
The digital drivers license – OLAF BECKEDORF
Realizing a modal shift in project cargo transports – ANDREAS LOEFFERT
Creating an efficient decommissioning cluster in port – MARCEL PATER
How big data will shape the crane of the future – ANDREAS RITSCHEL
Challenging the status quo: a new way of shipping wind turbines? – JAN LANSER
The rise of the synthetic hoist and lift equipment
Wilco van Zonneveld, European Sales Manager at Cortland Company
Alex Rock, Product Manager Greenpin
Judith Bosch, Application Manager at DSM
How 3D printing will change our business – 3D printed crane hooks in operation – ERIC ROMEIJN
Basic principles of Handling Heavy Lifts – Richard Krabbendam